AF-Borgen Evenemang AB | Sandgatan 2, 223 50 Lund | bokning(at)
© 2020 AF-Borgen
AF-borgen, the home of Akademiska Föreningen, has been the epicenter for Lund’s students since 1851. This is not very long, considering that the university is almost 200 years older. Over the past 10 years, the number of student activities in the house has reached unsurpassed levels. The house is completely buzzing with life and movement almost around the clock, at least when it is not affected by the circumstances surrounding Covid-19.
Around 70 student organizations and committees use AF-borgen’s rooms and halls for their parties, lectures and other activities. The student organizations have a special price list and receive subsidies through the income from Akademiska Föreningen’s memberships, which cover part of their rent. This way, many activities are made possible in the house, something that also contributes to Lund being such a fantastic student city and which for many is the main reason for applying to Lund University.
Many people think of spex and student parties when they think of AF-borgen, but there is a lot more going on in the house! You will meet debate societies, labor market days, the editorial office for the literary magazine Ordkonst, the magazine Lundagård, sewing evenings, student theatre performances, open lectures, the Foreign Policy Association, and much more. This house rarely sleeps!
AF-borgen is also important to Lund University, Lund as a city and Lund residents. The University place a large part of their traditional arrangements in the house and many scientific congresses and conferences take place here every year. We are also very proud to be the arena for Lund Grand Prix, Lund’s Business Day and Lund Comedy Festival. Many locals have celebrated their weddings, birthdays or other important events here. A high level of scientific science and intellectual conversations are mixed with humor, creativity, and playfulness. The students’ high energy level is in the walls and puts a mark on all other events in the house!
The story is of course longer than this, you can read more about AF-borgen’s history here.
AF-borgen is operated as two companies, owned by the non-profit association Akademiska Föreningen. AF-Borgen AB manages the building and the rental of the premises is done by the subsidiary AF-Borgen Evenemang AB. The goal is primarily to offer student organizations suitable rooms and halls for their activities and not primarily make a profit. In order to contribute to maintenance, the house is therefore also rented out to other than student organizations, but the model is not market-based which means that we need our sponsors in the AF society to maintain the house.
Akademiska Föreningen (AF) is not only AF-borgen’s owner, but also the main partner through committee activities such as spex, radio, TV, student evenings and more.
AF Bostäder is southern Sweden’s largest student housing company, and was selected as the best one in Sweden in 2019. They work hard to ensure that their tenants have a home where they feel good and safe and where they have room for socializing with friends in an environment where they can perform well in their studies. AF Bostäder owns and manages housing for approximately 7,000 students Lund.
Lund is a true student city and to a large extent this is made possible by the ecosystem that exists around Akademiska Föreningen and AF-borgen. From the part of the membership bill that is paid to Studentlund, SEK 110 go to Akademiska Föreningen. More than half of this goes to subsidizing the leases of approximately 70 organizations for events in AF-borgen. AF-borgen offers the premises to a special student price list.
The student organizations that receive rental support and student prices are a mix of student nations, student unions, stage associations, poetry committees, extreme sports, foreign policy, debate societies, and much more. In addition, associations have the opportunity to use Athen in the evenings Monday to Thursday during term for public events. All under Akademiska Föreningens’s core values: Delight Enrich Enable.